Privacy and data protection
In accordance with section 28 BDSG, we object to any commercial use and disclosure of our data.
Area of responsibility: The imprint only applies to the website at the address:
Delimitation: The web presence is part of the WWW and is therefore linked to external websites that can change at any time, which are therefore not subject to this area of responsibility and to which the following information does not apply. To ensure that the links do not violate customs or laws, they were checked exactly once: before they were included here. You can recognize links that lead to external web projects.
Service provider: DOUIE Hamburg
Agnesstrasse 1
22301 Hamburg
Electronic postal address:
VAT identification number: DE272301650
Purpose of this web project: online trading
DOUIE Hamburg
Agnesstrasse 1
22301 Hamburg
Germany Fax: +49 (89) 2555134894
Responsible tax office: Hamburg
Tax number: 43/076/03972
VAT ID: DE269248757
Dispute resolution for consumers:
The EU Commission's online dispute resolution platform can be accessed at the following link:
In principle, DOUIE Hamburg is not obliged and willing to take part in dispute resolution proceedings before an arbitration board.
However, we will make every effort to resolve a dispute with the customer through customer service and thus avoid legal action. You can reach our customer service for questions, complaints and concerns by email at atelier (at) For inquiries you can also use the contact form on our website.